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<正>THE following story is supplementary reading for grade schools in China: A long time ago, there lived a boy monk in a temple on the mountain. His daily task
【正】 在中国,是李大钊同志首先介绍和宣传马克思的历史唯物主义真理,并高举历史唯物主义大旗,向独霸我国史坛几千年的历史唯心主义发动进攻的。大钊同志认为,马克思发现了
【正】 活在一个新旧交替的光怪陆离的社会里,巴尔扎克这位凡书必读,凡书必看的好事者的世界观,必然也就成了一个迷惑后人的矛盾体。我们现在给他添上神秘主义,并不冤枉,因为
【正】 落后就要挨打,这是中国近代史作出的结论,也是亚洲各国近代史提供的教训,日本是唯一的例外。十九世纪中期的日本,同样是一个闭关自守、封建落后的国家,大门被西方列强
Israel Epstein, journalist, author, war correspondent. and For many years a stateless Jew, is an eyewitness to history. Just before his ninetieth-birthday on Ap
The western part of China&#39;s Liaoning Province,known in former times as Rehe,is the birthplace of Neolithic Hongshan Culture.About 100 million years ago.It w
<正> HUAYUANCUN is a village in southern Dongyang City, Zhejiang Province, 180 kilometers away from the bustling Ningbo International Port. It was originally ve
<正>MYSTICAL mountains tower on both sides of the narrow gorge, whose clear waters run thunderously ahead over century-smoothed stones, dashing against rocks th
Market Value: Its pre-sale estimate having been fixed at 1.4-1.8 million yuan (US $160,000-200,000), the album actually sold for an incredible 1 2.65 million yu