她,一只从江南水乡展翅的百灵鸟,以其独特的歌韵在当今歇坛崭露头角。她就是郑培钦, 现为杭州歌舞团青年歌唱家。郑培钦的演唱无论是运腔吐字,还是演唱韵味,都会以她特有的歌唱艺术赋予音乐生命的色彩。令听者的心灵体验到美的享受。所以我觉得她的演唱的歌曲《问江南》、《淡妆浓妆总相宜》
She, a Lark from the Yangtze River Delta wings, with its unique song in today’s emerging alley emerge. She is Zheng Peiqin, Hangzhou Song and Dance Troupe now young singer. The singing of Zheng Peiqin whether it is the intestines, or singing charm, will give her unique singing art music life color. Let the listener’s heart experience the beauty of the enjoyment. So I think her singing song “Ask the South,” “makeup makeup always affordable”