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在现代社会中,我们常常见到商品的潮流现象,即在一定时期内,某一商品或某些商品为较多的消费者群起追求,并相互影响,造成一定声势,形成一定规模,如潮水般涌向一定方向。这就是商品潮流。 形成潮流的商品就是畅销商品,畅销商品也就供不应求,在销售和售价上,生产企业都握有充分的主动权,赢利自然相当丰厚。但是,并非所有企业都能从商品潮流中获取好处,这取决于企业在商品潮流中所处的地位。“领潮流”的企业可以利用商品潮流 In the modern society, we often see the trend of commodities, that is, within a certain period of time, a certain commodity or certain commodities are pursued by more consumers and influence each other, resulting in a certain momentum and forming a certain scale, such as the tide. General direction to a certain direction. This is the trend of commodities. Trend-setting products are best-selling products, and best-selling products are in short supply. In terms of sales and selling prices, manufacturing companies have sufficient initiative and profitability is naturally quite rich. However, not all companies can benefit from the trend of commodities, depending on the position of the company in the trend of commodities. Leading companies can use commodity trends
The China National Arts & Crafts Import & Export Corporation is a large professional foreign trade company under the Ministry of Foreign Economic Relations and
One day,a theft gang are escaping aftercommitting a crime.The police are chasing.一天,一盗窃团伙作案后仓皇逃跑。警察紧追不舍。Then,a policeman comes to a lonely
日月如梭。转眼间,我们的人民海关已经诞生45周年了。 45个春秋里,人民海关几度风雨,几度曲折,再度辉煌。使我这个对海关事业有深厚情愫的“老海关”每念及此,感慨良多 1949
青春不是年华,而是心态;青春不是粉面、红唇、柔膝,而是坚强的意志,恢弘的想象,炙热的恋情;青春是生命深处的自在涌流。青春气贯长虹,勇锐盖过怯弱, Youth is not an age bu
曾听说这样一则绝妙的电视广告。广告由美国著名笑星戴维主演,只见戴维用夸张的手法对某种名牌小汽车大加吹捧,而电视画面上却不断打出“He’s lying”(他在说谎)。戴维最后
1993年,中加经贸合作进一步发展,两国政府及企业间的往来交流不断增加。 据中国海关统计,1993年中加双边贸易总额为25.7亿美元,与创历史最高纪录的1992年持平,为1970年两国