川崎氏于1961年发现一种特殊的疾病,此后6年又发现了50例,于1967年首次报告了此病,称之为皮肤粘膜淋巴结综合征(Mucocutaneous Lymphnode Syndrome,简称MCLS)。亦称川崎氏病或“伴有指趾特异鳞屑之小儿急性热性皮肤粘膜淋巴结症候群”。迄今在日本资料中已报告7,000余例,朝鲜报道8例,希腊8例,美国夏威夷12例、田纳西州3例。我国黑龙江省于1979年首次报道1例,江苏省1981年报道1例,此外在我国上海、北京、四川等地也有发现,但报道很少。鉴于对本病的诊断、治疗问题、国内已有文献综述,本文拟对临床症状、临床特点、组织病理、鉴别诊断等问
Kawasaki found a special disease in 1961, and another 50 cases were found six years later. The disease was first reported in 1967 as Mucocutaneous Lymphnode Syndrome (MCLS). Also known as Kawasaki’s disease or “Pediatric acute hot cutaneous mucosal lymph node syndrome with finger-like scaly.” To date, more than 7,000 cases have been reported in Japan, 8 in North Korea, 8 in Greece, 12 in Hawaii in the United States and 3 in Tennessee. One case was reported for the first time in Heilongjiang Province in 1979, one case was reported in Jiangsu Province in 1981, and the other cases were found in Shanghai, Beijing and Sichuan of China, but few reports were reported. In view of the diagnosis of the disease, treatment problems, there are literature review, this article intended to clinical symptoms, clinical features, histopathology, differential diagnosis