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一、概述(一)目标管理目标是计划的终点,是组织工作、人员配备、领导及控制等活动所要达到的结果。目标管理(Management by object,简称MBO,下同)是根据目标进行的管理。做为一门管理理论的MBO,历经了对泰罗科学管理理论的行为科学中X、Y 理论的探讨和扬弃,在兼收并蓄提高效率技巧、激发个体本能等思想的基础上,形成不同的风格流派,但其基本思想在于兼顾企业和个人利益,以企业经营成果为主,参照外界竞争形势确定企业近期及 I. Overview (I) The goal of goal management is the end of the plan. It is the result of the organization’s work, staffing, leadership and control. Management by object (abbreviated as MBO, below) is the management based on goals. As a management theory, MBO has studied and abandoned the theory of X and Y in the behavioral science of Taylor’s scientific management theory, and formed different styles of genres on the basis of eclectic thoughts such as increasing efficiency and inspiring individual instincts. , but its basic idea is to take into account both the interests of enterprises and individuals, to focus on the results of business operations, and to determine the company’s recent and
由于游戏厂商已经与N卡进行了全面合作,所以《赛车计划》这款最新大作可以说是无视A卡、只爱N卡。千元级的GTX960甚至强于两千元级的R9 290X,虽然A卡官方说是尽快推出优化驱动,但玩家还是买N卡才算靠谱。  处理器选购:最低也得i3处理器  《赛车计划》是一款由Slightly Mad制作并与Bandai Namco联合发售的赛车竞速游戏,涵盖了相当广泛的时代类型赛车,是一部汽车工业的竞速大赛