探讨刑事责任能力司法鉴定意见与法院宣判的刑事责任能力之差异。通过彩某凶杀案,对先后2?次司法鉴定意见与司法机关最终宣判结果进行分析,讨论“实质性辨认能力”在司法鉴定中的利弊,得出实质性辨认能力不能完全等同于刑法学所指的辨认能力,以“实质性辨认能力”评定刑事责任能力的司法鉴定模式需要重新审视。“,”This study aimed to analyze the differences of assessment results of capacity for criminal responsibility (CCR) between forensic psychiatry and judicial decision. Taking the murder case of n Cai as an example, we analyzed the results of the two forensic assessments and the final court decision and discussed advantages as well as disadvantages of the“substantial recognition capacity" (SRC) in forensic assessment. We found that SRC was not completely equal to the recognition ability in criminal law. Cautions are needed when applying the judicial expertise model of SRC in assessing CCR of patients with mental disorders.n