The development of scale is the basis for the continuous development of vocational education. To ensure that vocational education reaches a certain scale, adjusting the proportion of vocational education in the entire educational structure is a long-term strategy for developing vocational education in our country, as shown in Table 6-1. From the perspective of the development of vocational education in the international community, the proportion of vocational education students in high school education in all countries is generally high, as shown in Figure 6-1. Therefore, it is generally equal to maintain the ratio of vocational education to general education in secondary education, and the proportion of higher vocational education to more than half of higher education is the key to guaranteeing a reasonable structure and scale. In order to ensure the implementation of this work, the state has made clear the specific indicators for the development of the scale of vocational education and, for the first time, sets the standard of undergraduate-level vocational education students