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我们中国人曾称金发碧眼的外国人叫“洋人”。“洋人”为我们带来了地球仪和望远镜,另外,还有我们今天所熟悉的照相机。最初的照相机外形像个大帽盒子,笨重无比不说,所用的底片还是玻璃的一摔就碎。后来,历经几代人的不断改进,照相机才逐渐变迁到了我们今天所熟悉的这个样子。 现在净听人说过去的老照片值钱其实并不是所有的老照片都值钱,也不是所有老照片里所表现的事情都会令我 We Chinese people have called the blonde foreigners called “foreigners.” Foreigners brought us globe and telescopes, as well as the cameras we are familiar with today. The first camera looks like a big hat box, unwieldy unsurprisingly, the film used is a drop of glass or broken. Later, after several generations of continuous improvement, the camera gradually changed to what we are familiar with today. It’s not that all the old photos are worth the money, nor are all the old photos of things that will make me
THE LianyungangMuseum, in Lianyungang City, Jiangsu Province, used to be an undiscovered treasure trove of cultural relics. Since the discovery of a mysterious
一彝以墟曰告夸仁毛骥越藏︸钾嚼踩妇,巅5少ams(5节t印)施h毅憾骊械…;抽 一尸碑倾‘阅旧gw日Iela叩boil{轰raU「a耐由11一日而身钟加处Oi1洲由碱·~-·一moreminute3锗戴鑫蕊
YIDU, a vibrant and picturesque city in China’s hinterland, is the birthplace of Chinese civilization. Dwellings, ash pits and a large number of stone vessels
杨和亭、张超在《东岳论丛》2012年第8期撰文认为,科学理性是科学与理性的天然契合。科学与理性的结合是在方法论层面上的强强联合,是在共融互通的层面上进行内涵的 Yang an
On the north side of West Chang’an Avenue in downtown Beijing stands a pagodastyle building of distinct ethnic flavor. It is the Cultural Palace of Nationaliti