Internet是全球最大的互联网络,它连接了世界上100多个国家、数百万台计算机。In-ternet是当今计算机网络最热门的话题。世界各大计算机厂商都把开发Internet产品作为自己的信息化时代的主攻方向之一。 事实上,Internet和WWW已经完全代替了旧有产生、传播、使用和共享商业信息的方式。因而,它为纺织工业在世纪之交即将发生的转变辅平了道路。网络使纺织服装企业更能充分利用两个最基本的资源——人和信息,只要轻击一下鼠标按键,人与信息之间的交流便在瞬息之间得以实现。
The Internet, the world’s largest Internet network, connects millions of computers in more than 100 countries around the world. In-ternet is the hottest topic in computer networks today. The world’s major computer makers have to develop Internet products as their information age one of the main directions. In fact, the Internet and the WWW have completely replaced the old ways of generating, distributing, using and sharing business information. Thus, it paved the way for the textile industry to be transformed by the turn of the century. Network allows textile and garment enterprises to make full use of the two most basic resources - people and information, with just a click of the mouse button, the communication between people and information will be realized in a flash.