预告排卵期可以指示人工授精的准确时刻,反之,又可以指导安全期避孕。但目前采用的方法或者不够准确如基础体温;或者仅反映雌激素水平与滤泡发育情况,如宫颈粘液变化,阴道涂片,血雌二醇水平,超声测量滤泡直径等。只有连续测定血LH 值才能比较准确地预告排卵期,但操作不够简便,还有待进一步改进。基础体温:基础体温双相的定义是在48小时内,体温上升至少0.2度,维持11天。这体温上升现象和孕酮水平达2.5ng/ml 相关,但这仅是黄体期的特征,而不能预告排卵。采用体温最低点或体温上升第一天作为标志都不能发现它和雌二醇或 LH
Ovulation can be scheduled to indicate the exact moment of artificial insemination, on the contrary, they can guide the safety of contraception. However, the current method is not accurate enough, such as basal body temperature; or only reflect the estrogen levels and follicular development, such as changes in cervical mucus, vaginal smear, serum estradiol levels, ultrasound measured follicular diameter. Only continuous determination of blood LH value can be more accurately predict the ovulation period, but the operation is not easy enough, yet to be further improved. Basal body temperature: Basal body temperature bipolar is defined as the body temperature rose at least 0.2 degrees for 11 days within 48 hours. This increase in body temperature and progesterone levels of 2.5ng / ml related, but this is only the characteristics of the luteal phase, and can not be predicted ovulation. Using the lowest body temperature or temperature rise the first day as a sign can not find it and estradiol or LH