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文化部,內务部7月1日通报表扬四川省革命残废軍人教养院課余演出队,希望文艺工作者学習他們崇高的共产主义風格。通报說,課余演出队的演出,表現了全国革命残废軍人崇高的共产主义風格和建設社会主义的坚强意志。他們的演出本身就是一种生动和深刻的社会主义教育。通报指出,这个演出队是社会主义宣传活动行列中的新生力量。他們絕大部分是农民出身.原来的文化水平都很低。残废后在党的关怀和培养下,很快掌握了一定的文化知識,在課余开展了文娛活动,不少同志成为能歌善舞的艺术家。通报說,在創作方面,他們貫徹了为工农兵服务的路 The Ministry of Culture and the Ministry of Internal Affairs announced on July 1 that they should pay tribute to the extra-curricular performance team of the Sichuan Revolutionary Disabled Rehabilitation Vocational School and hope that literary and art workers will learn their lofty communist style. The circular said that the performance of the extracurricular performance team showed the lofty communist style of the disabled members of the revolution in the country and the strong will to build socialism. Their performance itself is a vivid and profound socialist education. The circular pointed out that this performance team is a new force in the ranks of socialist propaganda. Most of them are from rural areas, and their original education level is very low. After the disability, under the care and training of the party, it quickly mastered a certain amount of cultural knowledge and conducted recreational activities in after school. Many of the comrades became able to sing and dance. The circular said that in terms of creation, they implemented the road of serving the workers, peasants and soldiers
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