儿童心理行为保健工作正在引起各国学者及儿童保健工作者的关心和重视。我国在这个领域里也进行了大量的工作,在我国90年代儿童发展纲要中此项工作目标占据突出的位置。为更好开展此项工作,就其中一些问题进行探讨,抛砖引玉,以供今后工作的参考。 一.儿童心理行为问题表现突出,儿童心理行为保健工作已成为迫在眉睫的项目。
Psychological and behavioral health care is attracting the attention and attention of scholars and child health workers from all over the world. My country has also done a great deal of work in this field. The goal of this task occupies a prominent place in the program for the development of children in the 1990s. In order to better carry out this work, we will discuss some of these issues and give pointers to others for reference in future work. I. Outstanding performance of children’s psychological behavior, child psychology and health care work has become an imminent project.