Beijing reader Lee: I am 31 years old this year, found in the first two months under the lips inside a bubble, the size of the initial size of beans, and later grow to the size of soybeans, repeatedly broken and long, excuse me, what is going on? Wang Yang, deputy chief physician of Oral Hospital of Peking University Oral Hospital, according to the reader described, should be the lower lip mucous cyst. In addition to the parotid gland, the submandibular gland, and the sublingual gland, there are three pairs of large salivary glands, and some small salivary glands are located in the palate, the inside of the lips, and the tongue. These glands produce saliva, and the duct is responsible for the secretion of saliva into the mouth. If the duct is damaged or blocked, the saliva may extravasate, forming mucosal cysts locally. Lower lip is its predilection site, often showed the size of soybeans, the edge of clear transparent vesicles, ulceration can flow out milky thick liquid, it is easy to relapse, repeated rupture of local mucosa can form scars, showed white induration. Lower lip mucus cysts can be surgically removed, the operation is relatively simple, need to be in the bureau