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作为朝野清议名士的领袖,李膺和阉宦的冲突已经到了不是鱼死就是网破的尖锐程度。当惩办羊元群案被诬判处劳役一事刚由陈蕃等人疏救获得免刑不久,复任司隶校尉的李鹰,立即又和宦官干上了。 这回干得真够杀手,小黄门张让——此人后来是灵帝时臭名昭著的十常侍之一——之弟张朔,为野王今,野王(今河南沁阳)属河内郡,正好是司隶校尉督察的辖区之内。此人贪残无道,一见李膺上台,吓昏了头,赶忙逃到洛阳,躲进张让家里;李膺侦明情况,毫不手软,率领吏卒到张让家搜捕。这家伙躲匿在屋缝的合柱里,李膺破柱把他揪了出来,押赴洛阳牢狱,取得口供,立即处死。张让向桓帝哭诉,桓帝召见李膺,责问他为何不先奏请就行刑,李膺答道:“当年孔子任鲁国司寇, As a leader of both the imperial regime and the pro-democracy advocate, the conflict between Li Ying and Eunu Hsuan has reached a sharp point where it is neither fish nor death. When the case of punishing Yang Yuanqu was falsely sentenced to servitude was just saved by Chen Fan et al., And was removed shortly afterwards, Li Ying, the newly appointed captain of the Lieutenant, immediately worked with the eunuch again. This time dry really killer, a small yellow door Zhang - this person was later Lingli emperor when the notorious ten waiter - brother Zhang Shuo, wild king today, wild king (now Henan Qinyang) Hanoi County, just lieutenant inspector within the jurisdiction of the area. This man was corrupt and corrupt, saw Li Ying came to power and was stunned. He quickly escaped to Luoyang and escaped into Zhang’s home. Li Ying detected the situation without any mercy and led officials to Zhang Jiali’s arrest. This guy hid in the joint of the house, Li Ying broken columns pulled him out, escorted to Luoyang prison, get the confession, and immediately executed. Zhang Rong cry to Huan, Huan emperor called Li Ying, asked him why he did not play on the first sentence, Li Ying replied: "In those days,