
来源 :近代史研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:myoooo
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近代史的中心问题是资本主义代替封建主义,资产阶级民主制度代替封建专制制度。中国是遭受帝国主义侵略的国家,所以还有一个反侵略争取民族独立的问题。这两方面的任务是密切联系在一起的。在旧民主主义革命阶段,为实现这两个任务而斗争的领导力量是资产阶级。虽然它不很称职,但历史的命运毕竟作了这样的安排。因此,资产阶级的状况究竟如何,是研究近代史 The central problem in modern history is that capitalism replaced feudalism and bourgeois democracy instead of feudal autocracy. Since China is a country that has suffered aggression from imperialism, there is another issue of opposing aggression and striving for national independence. The two tasks are closely linked. At the stage of the old democratic revolution, the leading force in the struggle for these two tasks was the bourgeoisie. Although it is not very competent, the fate of history has, after all, made such an arrangement. Therefore, what is the status of the bourgeoisie? It is the study of modern history
<正> 一九三八年下半年,日本土肥原特务机关根据日本政府对华新方针,对退隐在北京的北洋军阀直系著名首领吴佩孚,开展劝降活动,以促其出山,收拾时局。这项“吴佩孚工作”,从一九三八年八、九月开始,断断续续进行了约一年多,直到一九三九年十二月吴佩孚突然死去才告结束。它是日本战时对华推行诱降政策的重要一环。但是,长期以来,人们对此中内情,多不了解。