创新干部培训模式 打造河北特色品牌——石家庄“‘重走赶考路’大型党性教育实践活动”的调查及思考

来源 :中共石家庄市委党校学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xing_h0576
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当前,我国正处在社会转型期,部分党政干部思想出现多元化倾向,积极探寻党政干部培训工作新渠道、新方式既迫切又重要。本选题对石家庄市“‘重走赶考路’大型党性教育实践活动”进行调研分析,既是提升新时期党政干部思想、工作作风的需要,又是增强思想政治工作吸引力的必然要求。 At present, our country is in a period of social transition. Some party and government officials and cadres tend to have pluralistic tendencies, and it is both urgent and important to actively explore new channels and methods for the training of party and government cadres. This topic carries on the research and analysis of Shijiazhuang City ’s “practice of re-examination of large-scale Party-level education”, which not only serves the needs of enhancing the ideology and work style of party and government cadres in the new era, but also the necessary requirement of enhancing the attractiveness of ideological and political work .