成就与失误,是人类在改造自然、改造社会实践活动过程中客观存在的两个方面。它们互相渗透,结伴而存,共同构成了事物发展的起伏兴衰。既然社会主义新方志是对于一定区域内自然和人类社会的历史和现状的翔实反映,就应当在着力记述成就一面的同时,客观地反映失误事实的一面。 失误是历史发展前进中的曲折表现。辩证唯物主义的否定之否定规律揭示了事物的发展是螺旋式上升或波浪式前进的运动,是事物自己发展自己、完善自己的自我运动。事物在一定时期内的曲折表现,只是暂时的、局部的,它改变不了事物发展的、前进
Achievements and mistakes are two aspects of the objective existence of mankind in the process of transforming nature and reforming social practice. They penetrate each other and work together to form the ups and downs of the development of things. Since the new socialist chronicles is an accurate reflection of the history and current status of nature and human society in a certain region, it should objectively reflect the factual side of mistakes while endeavoring to record achievements. The mistake is the twists and turns in the progress of history. The negative law of negation of dialectical materialism reveals that the development of things is a spiraling or wave-shaped movement, a matter that develops itself and improves one’s own self-movement. The twists and turns of things in a certain period of time are only temporary and partial, and they can not change the development of things.