1, Choose the type, determine the use of time and methods.According to the type of orchard weeds, select the appropriate agent, and then according to herbicidal herbicidal properties, to determine the spraying period and method of treatment. The best time is in the weed seeds germination The first unearthed spraying the first drug, both provincial and provincial workers, the effect is good; the older the weeds, the more difficult to eliminate, the cost of drug man-hours. The second time in mid-May to kill pre-miscellaneous drugs Grass, such as the weather drought should be first irrigation, increase soil moisture and improve efficacy .In mid-June spraying the third before the rainy season to kill later weeds, preferably the first artificial herbicides before spraying .General annual 3 Times to avoid grassland shortage .2, pay attention to the environmental effects of herbicides play, we must choose and create a role conducive to the role of herbicide