平邑县位于山东省东南部,临沂市西陲,沂蒙山区腹地,总面积1825平方公里,辖16个乡镇、1056个行政村,98万人。是闻名遐迩的“中国金银花之乡”、“中国花岗石之乡”。境内自然风光秀丽,人文景观众多,具有得天独厚的旅游资源优势。蒙山,古称东蒙、东山,是省级风景名胜区,国家级森林公园,国家 AAA 级旅游区。位于我县境内的蒙山主峰龟蒙顶,海拔1156米,为山东第二高峰,素有“岱宗之亚”美称。蒙山集壮、险、奇、秀于一体,素有“七十二主峰、二十六洞天”之说。群山层峦叠
Pingyi County is located in the southeastern Shandong Province, west of Linyi City, Yimeng mountain hinterland, with a total area of 1825 square kilometers, administer 16 townships, 1056 administrative villages, 980000 people. Is famous for the “hometown of Chinese honeysuckle”, “China’s granite village.” The territory of natural beauty, cultural landscape, with a unique advantage of tourism resources. Mengshan, ancient name of East Mongolia, Dongshan, is a provincial-level scenic spots, national forest park, the national AAA-class tourist area. Located in the county seat of Mengshan Meng Turtle peak, elevation of 1156 meters, Shandong’s second peak, known as “Dai Zong Ya” reputation. Mengshan strong, insurance, odd, show in one, known as “72 main peak, twenty-six days” is said. Mountainous layers of mountains