
来源 :财会通讯 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:acecat
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财政周转金是财政部门促产开源的一项重要资金来源,管好用活这项资金,是培养财源、增加财政收入的一条重要途径。为适应“改革、开放、搞活”的新形势,我们根据上级有关文件精神,于1984年10月起,大胆改革了财政周转金管理办法,取得了较好成效。一、为什么要改革通过两年来的实践和探索,越来越显示出这项改革的优势。一是疏通了资金渠道,筹集了可用资金。过去每年财政支工支农周转金最多不过百万元,实行资金集中统一管理后,除将原有支工支农周转金纳入资金管理专门机构——“财政有偿资金管理处”管理外,还逐步分批调度集中了可用资金1,000多万元,其中上级拨入周转金336万元,利用财 Financial Working Capital is an important source of funds for the government to promote open source development in the financial sector. To manage this fund is an important way to cultivate financial resources and increase financial revenue. In order to meet the new situation of “reform, opening up and invigorating”, in accordance with the relevant documents of the higher authorities, we boldly started to reform the management of the financial circulating fund since October 1984 and achieved good results. First, why reform requires more than two years of practice and exploration has shown more and more the advantages of this reform. One is to clear the funding channels, raised funds available. In the past, each year, the maximum amount of financial support for working-class farmers’ working capital was less than one million yuan. After centralized and unified management of funds, the original working capital for supporting farmers and supporting farmers was included in the management of the special fund management department - the “Treasury Compensation Fund Management Office” The gradual and centralized scheduling of available funds more than 1,000 million, of which the transfer of the superior ring 3360000 yuan, the use of money
Dear Editor,Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome(SARS)has beendescribed as the first pandemic of the 21st century andbetween November 2002 and July 2003,over 8000