在过去的两千年里,人类致力于创造发明,推动社会进步。有的发明虽轰动一时,但后来却与人类的生活并不十分密切;有的发明看起来很简单,然而它对世界的影响却举足轻重。为此,美国科学家经过严格筛选,挑出2000年中的11项最重要的发明,备受世界关注。这11项发明是: 1、眼镜 纽约一位名叫汉弗莱的心理学家指出,一对镜片看起来非常简单,但它却能使有视力缺陷的人、上了年纪的人更加亲近这个世界。还有其它的眼镜,是它们使人
In the past two thousand years, mankind has devoted himself to creating inventions and promoting social progress. Although some inventions made a big splash, they were not very close to the life of mankind. Some inventions may seem simple, yet their impact on the world is decisive. For this reason, U.S. scientists have screened out the 11 most important inventions of the year 2000, attracting worldwide attention. These 11 inventions are: 1, glasses New York, a Humphreys psychologist pointed out that a pair of lenses looks very simple, but it can make people who have vision problems, the older people closer to this world. There are other glasses, they make people