Peptic ulcer (ulcer disease) Acute perforation of the stomach, duodenal ulcer disease is one of the serious complications. The treatment of this disease has always had different ideas and methods. In general, the thirties of the 20th century, the treatment of this disease around the world are mainly perforation suture. Forty years Europe (especially the Soviet Union) began to advocate gastrectomy, after the liberation of our country with gastrectomy for the treatment of the disease more and more in the fifties due to the balance of blood transfusion and antibiotics progress, the United States began to have gastrectomy The records, and some people proposed non-surgical conservative treatment. In the 1960s, some patients chose to have definite reports of acute surgery. In the 1970s, some people think that repairing perforation is the best treatment method after perforation, and some domestic units have started to apply it. However, due to the short duration of this operation, long-term