图形能快速有效地传递信息;三维图形能形象直观地传递信息;而三维动画测能以最佳的方式传递信息.3D Studio是一个集造型与动画制作为一体的集成化软件.借助3DS,用户可以制作出复杂的三维模型,把现成的材料或用户现场制作的材料敷贴到三维物体表面,根据需要随意布置和调整灯光,在理想的位置角度架设相机,生成照片一样逼真的静态图像,用户
3D graphics convey information visually and intuitively, and 3D animation delivers information in the best possible way. 3D Studio is an integrated software that combines styling and animation. With 3DS, users Can produce complex three-dimensional model, the ready-made materials or users on-site production of materials applied to the surface of three-dimensional objects, according to the need to arbitrarily arrange and adjust the light in the ideal position erecting the camera to produce a photo-like still images, the user