
来源 :宋史研究论丛 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ching19846
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一、序言2005年8月,笔者初访辽上京。受到时任巴林左旗旗委书记阎彪先生、旗政协主席范长才先生及夙仰高名的辽上京文史研究会几位契丹历史文化研究者的盛情款待,不胜荣幸。在获赠的诸多贵重礼品中,有一枚纪念币。币置一盒内,盒盖内面印有《契丹银币》简介: First, the preamble In 2005 August, I first visited Liao on Beijing. It was a great honor to receive hospitality from several Khitan scholars of history and culture when he was the party chief of the Bahrain flag, Mr. Yan Biao, the chairman of the CPPCC National Committee and Mr. Fan Changcai, the chairman of the CPPCC National Committee. Among the many gifts of gifts, there is a commemorative coin. Set a box of coins, the inside of the lid printed with “Silver Cattle” Introduction: