百事得(Baissde Electric)总部设于休斯敦克利阿湖畔,主要研发和生产航空电子及航空控制产品,集团拥有10万余员工,业务遍及全球100多个国家。宝鸡百事得控制技术有限公司是(Baissde Electric)在中国进行技术合作的独立法人企业,主要生产组装智能型流体测量仪表。产品有压力变送器、差压变送器、液位变送器、温度测量仪表,产品销售亚太地区,逐渐建立完善销售体系。
Headquartered in Cleveland Lake, Houston, Baissde Electric develops and manufactures avionics and aerospace control products. The group employs more than 100,000 people and operates in more than 100 countries around the world. Baoji Pepsi Control Technology Co., Ltd. (Baissde Electric) in China for technical cooperation in the independent legal entity, the main production assembly intelligent fluid measuring instruments. Products pressure transmitter, differential pressure transmitter, level transmitter, temperature measuring instruments, product sales in the Asia Pacific region, and gradually establish and improve sales system.