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今年是伟大的抗日战争胜利60周年。我们谨以此文,献给千千万万的抗日将士们。1938年3月18日,春末的浙南大地,寒风呼啸。一支在浙南山区打了多年游击战的红军队伍——由红军挺进师改编而成的闽浙边抗日游击总队,这一天,从平阳山门出发,到平阳凤卧(旧称凤翱)水尾宫集合开会,准备北上。北上的目的地——安徽南部地区。北上的目的——抗日。那一天,偏居浙南的小小山门,热闹非凡。贫苦的山民走出家门,目送部队离开山门街。有的人还跟在队伍的后面,一路送到水尾宫。四邻八乡更多的群众赶到水尾宫,为这支队伍送行。他们带来了战士们急需的罗汉鞋、鸡蛋和糖糕。出发的仪式据说很隆重:凤林小学的师生做了抗日宣传演出。农民抗日自卫队列队向子弟兵致敬。中共瑞平县委在水尾宫为他们举行了隆重的欢送大会,县委书记郑海啸在会上致欢送词。闽浙边抗日游击总队司令员粟裕在大会上发表了誓师讲话,代表全体指战员表示了坚决抗战的决心。欢送会很快就结束了。粟裕带领的部队北上抗日去了。70多年以后,研究这一段历史的专家们,拨开谜团,终于给了我们一些明确的答案:——粟裕一共带走多少人?回答是583人。其中平阳籍(含今苍南县)战士170多人。——583人的“闽浙边抗日游击总队”(以下仍称“红军挺进师”),在安徽战场上就牺牲了64人,其中,平阳籍战士牺牲了41人,牺牲在国民党顽固派发动的“摩擦战”中。——583人的挺进师,到解放后,被中央军委授予将军衔的有四个人。他们是:中华人民共和国第一大将粟裕,少将陈铁君、张文碧、刘亨云。他们,是从山门走出去的共和国将军。 This year marks the 60th anniversary of the victory of the Great Anti-Japanese War. We would like to dedicate this article to thousands of anti-Japanese soldiers. March 18, 1938, the late spring of southern Zhejiang earth, cold whistling. A Red Army team playing guerrilla warfare in the mountainous areas of southern Zhejiang for a long time - the Anti-Japanese Guerrilla Army Corps jointly organized by the Red Army into the division, this day starting from Pingyang Mountain Gate to the Pingyang Fupiao (formerly Phoenix Ao) Meet, prepare northward. North of the destination - southern Anhui region. The purpose of the north - anti-Japanese. That day, a small gate south of Zhejiang, crowded. The poor mountain people go out of their homes and watch the troops leave Shanmen Street. Some people also followed the team behind, all the way to the water tail palace. Four neighbors and eight towns more people rushed to the water tail palace, for this team off. They brought Lohan shoes, eggs and sugar cakes urgently needed by soldiers. The starting ceremony is said to be very grand: Fenglin Primary School teachers and students made a anti-Japanese propaganda performance. Anti-Japanese Peasants' Self-Defense Patrol Team Tribute to Our Army. CPC Ruiping County Committee held a grand farewell ceremony for them in the Waterfront Palace, and county party secretary Zheng Xiaoxu gave a speech at the meeting. Su Yu, commander of the anti-Japanese guerrilla corps in Fujian and Zhejiang Province, delivered a pledge at the meeting and on behalf of all the commanders and soldiers expressed their determination to resolutely resist the war. Farewell will soon be over. Su Yu led troops north to go anti-Japanese. More than 70 years later, experts who studied this period of history opened the door to riddles and finally gave us some clear answers: - How many people did Su Yu take away? The answer was 583. One Pingyang Ji (including Cangnan County) more than 170 soldiers. --583 people “Anti-Japanese guerrilla Corps of Fujian and Zhejiang border areas” (hereinafter referred to as “the Red Army advancing division”), sacrificed 64 people on the battlefield in Anhui, of which 41 soldiers were sacrificed by Pingyang Ji soldiers and sacrificed at the death of the Guomindang die-hards The “friction war” in. - 583 people advance division, after the liberation, the Central Military Commission has been awarded the rank of four people. They are: Su Yu, the top general of the People's Republic of China, Major General Chen Tiejun, Zhang Wenbi and Liu Hengyun. They are generals of the Republic going out from the gate.
摘 要:培养学生的思维能力,是中学语文教学的重要任务。本文从宽松的学习环境、独立的思考习惯、拓宽整体知识面、加强学习兴趣、发展发散思维等方面进行探讨,发掘学生思维培养的途径,提高语文教学效率。  关键词:中学语文 思维培养 教学探索    根据新课标的要求,中学语文教学中,对学生思维能力的培养是课堂授课过程的重要组成部分。语文教师在完成课堂教学任务的同时,不仅要对学生的基本语文能力进行培养,同时也
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