同志们 :我省体育代表团在第 9届全国运动会上实现了预定的目标 ,完成了“九运爬坡”的任务 ,获得了运动成绩和精神文明双丰收。我代表省委、省政府 ,向今天受到表彰和奖励的运动员、教练员们表示热烈的祝贺 ,向安徽体育代表团全体同志表示亲切的慰问和衷心的感谢 !九运会 ,是?
Comrades: The sports delegation of our province has achieved the scheduled goal at the 9th National Games and completed the task of climbing the hill for the 9th Movement with the double harvest of sports achievements and spiritual civilization. On behalf of the provincial party committee and government, I would like to extend my warm congratulation to the athletes and coaches who were commended and rewarded today for their warm regards and my heartfelt thanks to all the athletes of Anhui Sports Delegation!