在广东,市场上的鱼头尤其是鳙鱼头(大头鱼头)要比鱼肉贵很多,初看似乎是不可思议,其实对于鱼头中医早就有“同类相补”的理论,多吃鱼头(特别是淡水鱼的鱼头)可以补脑,使人聪明,原因是鱼头有其独特的健脑功效,故它比鱼身鱼肉贵是有价值的。 据专家研究认为,鱼头中的肉质细嫩,营养丰富,除含蛋白质、脂肪、钙、磷、铁、维生素B_1等营养成分之外,它还含有鱼肉中所缺乏的卵磷脂,该物质被机体代谢后能分解出胆碱,最后合成乙醉胆碱,乙酰胆碱是神经元之间依靠化学物质传递信息的一种最主要的“神经递质”,可增加记忆、思维和分析能力,让人变得聪明。据报道,日本营养学家曾对鱼头作过分析,认为鱼头还含有比任何其他食物都丰富
In Guangdong, the fish head on the market, especially the head of bighead fish (head of fish head), is much more expensive than fish meat. At first glance, it seems weird. In fact, there has long been a theory of “similar complementation” (Especially the head of freshwater fish) can be brain-savvy and clever because the head has its unique brain-enhancing effect, so it is more valuable than fish. According to experts’ research, the meat in the head is delicate and nutrient-rich, and contains not only the nutrients such as protein, fat, calcium, phosphorus, iron and vitamin B_1, but also the lecithin lacking in fish meat, Metabolism can decompose choline, the final synthesis of Acetylcholine, acetylcholine is the most important neurotransmitter between neurons to rely on chemical substances to transmit information, can increase memory, thinking and analytical skills, people change To be smart. It is reported that Japanese nutritionists had analyzed the fish head, that the fish head also contains more than any other food are rich