In 2007, the University of Califia Press published A History of Mod Tibet volume 2: The Calm before the Storm 1951-1955 written by Melvyn C.Goldstein.This is another great work about Tibet mod history since after his book A History of Mod Tibet 1913-1951: The Demise of the Lamaist State.The book is composed of three parts with 22 chapters, 4 maps and 25 photos, totally 600,000 words.Before and after the main body, there are six correlated parts attached.This work is characterized by nowadays West Tibetology: the description about some particular historical facts is objective while the whole narrating discourse is featured by fallacy.If we consider this Tibetology feature of Mr.Goldstein, we may discover the basic trend of the West Tibetology and meanwhile a new request is raised to domestic Tibetology,which is to deconstruct this false discourse system based on truth and present the historically and practically true Tibet to the world.