江苏北部5市土壤表层(0~20 cm)全氮含量连云港东北部、淮安南部和盐城西部显著高于其它地区;全磷含量呈现由北到南、自西向东升高的趋势;速效磷含量高值区位于北部的灌云县和南部的金湖县;速效钾含量东部沿海高于其它地区。土壤类型和成土母质对土壤养分产生显著影响:对于土类而言,沼泽土和水稻土养分较高;各成土母质中,湖相沉积物发育的土壤养分含量最高。在研究区1∶5万尺度范围内,土壤类型对全氮和全磷的变异起主导作用,而速效磷受成土母质的影响较大,土壤类型和成土母质对速效钾的影响较小,土壤类型和成土母质对全量养分的影响要大于速效养分。
Total nitrogen content in the surface soil (0 ~ 20 cm) of northern Jiangsu was significantly higher than those in other areas in northeast Lianyungang, southern Huai’an and western Yancheng; total phosphorus content increased from north to south and from west to east; and the content of available phosphorus The value areas are located in Guanyun County in the north and Jinhu County in the south; the available potassium content is higher in the east coast than in other areas. Soil types and soil parent materials have significant effects on soil nutrients: For soil, marsh soil and paddy soil have higher nutrient content; among soil parent materials, soil nutrient content is the highest in lacustrine sediments. In the 1: 50000 scale scale, the soil types played a dominant role in the variation of total nitrogen and total phosphorus, while the available phosphorus was more affected by soil parent material, while the soil type and parent material had less effect on available potassium , Soil type and soil parent material affect the total nutrients more than available nutrients.