本文以话语标记语you know为个案分析,从语用信息容量和语用信息提供方式两个角度出发,通过对比八部英汉学习词典在微观结构上对话语标记语语用信息的标注情况,分析其标注特点并指出不足之处,然后在借鉴国外英语学习词典先进编纂经验与吸收国内相关实证研究成果的基础上,对英汉学习词典中话语标记语语用信息的标注方法进行优化。最后阐述了该研究的意义和待进一步解决的问题。
Based on the case study of the discourse marker you know, this paper analyzes the annotation of the pragmatic information of discourse markers on the microscopic structure from eight perspectives of pragmatic information capacity and pragmatic information provision. Then, based on the advanced compilation experience of foreign English learning dictionaries and the absorption of the relevant empirical research results in China, the annotation method is optimized for the annotation of the pragmatic annotation of discourse markers in English-Chinese lexicons. Finally, the meaning of the research and the problems to be further solved are expounded.