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《高丽史·刑法志》云:“高丽一代之制,大抵仿乎唐。”这句话基本上概括了高丽王朝政治制度的总体取向和特征。就其选举制度而言,也大体如此。但由于宋对唐制有沿有革,兼之与高丽的友好关系和文化交流的发展,所以在某些方面也兼有宋制的一些特点。古代的选举,兼指选士、举官而言。自隋以降分为二途:选士属礼部,包括科举与学校;举官属吏部,掌铨选与考绩。因此在我们对高丽与唐选举制度进行比较研究时, The History of Korea and Criminal Law says: “The system of the Goryeo Dynasty, which is largely based on the Tang,” basically sums up the overall orientation and characteristics of the Koryo dynasty’s political system. So far as its electoral system is concerned. However, due to the development of the friendly relations and cultural exchange with the Goryeo along with the revolution of the Tang Dynasty and the Song Dynasty, Song also has some characteristics of the Song Dynasty in some aspects. Ancient elections, both for the election, cited the official terms. Since the Sui to fall into two routes: the election is rituals, including the imperial examination and the school; lifted the official department, palm election and performance appraisal. Therefore, when we compare the electoral system between Korea and the Tang,
魔方,不仅小朋友们爱玩,就连许多大人也爱不释手。自从1974年一个名叫鲁比克的人发明了这个神奇的六色小方块,它就一直风行世界。  鲁比克是匈牙利布达佩斯美术学院的教授。为了更方便地进行教学,他经常亲手制作一些好玩的教具。有一次,为了让学生们更好地认识几何体,他用一些小方块拼成一个大立方体,还把6种不同的颜色分别涂在立方体的六个面上。只要稍微扭动一下这些小方块,它们的位置就会发生变化。这时,大立方体