确立分税制改革到今年已经整整10年。这项改革是党的十四大确主建设社会主义市场经济体制宏伟战略以后诸项重大改革中的一项,从实施效果看,尽管这项制度仍有需要完善之处,但其成功是不言而喻的。 也许不少人对分税制比较陌生,什么是分税制?和我们有什么关系?其实今天我们每一个人都在分享分税制改革的红利:中国的财政收入从分税制实施前的5千多亿元迅速窜升为目前的近2万亿元,使中央财政贫弱的局面得以改观,进而使中央得以做许多多年想做而无法做的大事,比如加强了对低收入群体的社会保障,增加科研与教育经费,加强了基本建设力度等等。地方财政实力同样不断提高。 今天我们回放此项改革的决策背景和过程,是因为与10年前此项改革设计、实施时的情势相比,今天中国深化改革与完善体制的国内外背景更加复杂,改革和发展的难度更大。当我们谋划今后的发展大局,寻找深化改革的新突破口,着手完善已初见轮廓的社会主义市场经济体制的时候,汲取过去一些重大改革所取得的经验,是大有裨益的。
It has been a full 10 years since the establishment of the tax-sharing system. This reform is one of the major reforms after the grand strategy of building the socialist market economic system at the 14th National Congress of the Party. From the implementation results, although this system still needs improvement, its success is not Paraphrasing Perhaps many people are unfamiliar with the tax-sharing system. What is the tax-sharing system? What is the relationship with us? Actually, each of us is now sharing the bonus of the tax-sharing reform: China’s fiscal revenue has rapidly risen from about 500 billion yuan before the implementation of the tax-sharing system For the current nearly 2 trillion yuan, the central government can improve the situation of poverty and weakness, so that the Central Government can do many things that many can not do for many years, such as strengthening social security for low-income groups, increasing funding for research and education, Strengthen the capital construction and so on. The same is true of local financial strength. Today, we review the background and process of the decision-making on this reform because compared with the situation when the reform was designed and implemented 10 years ago, the domestic and foreign background for deepening reform and perfecting the system in China today is more complicated. The difficulty of reform and development is even greater Big. When we plan the overall development for the future, look for a new breakthrough in deepening the reform and start improving the already initial socialist market economic structure, it is of great help to draw on the experience gained from major reforms of the past.