炎症性肠病(inflammatory bowel disease,IBD)是病因尚不十分明确的慢性非特异性肠道炎症性疾病。肠道菌群失调是炎症性肠病发生的重要原因,其通过多种途径调控IBD的发生和发展。微生态制剂可通过调节肠道菌群中有益菌和致病菌的数量和比例,起到缓解IBD病情的作用。微生态制剂形式多样,包括益生菌、抗生素和粪菌移植。不同种类的微生态制剂对炎症性肠病的疗效差异较大,因此微生态制剂既是目前的研究热点也是难点。
Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is a chronic, nonspecific inflammatory bowel disease whose etiology is not well understood. Intestinal flora is an important cause of inflammatory bowel disease, which regulates the occurrence and development of IBD through a variety of pathways. Microecological agents can play a role in alleviating IBD by regulating the number and proportion of beneficial and pathogenic bacteria in the intestinal flora. There are various forms of probiotics, including probiotics, antibiotics and fecal transplants. Different kinds of probiotics have different effects on inflammatory bowel disease. Therefore, probiotics are not only the hot research topic but also the difficult point at present.