四川某循环流化床锅炉示范电站选用了芬兰奥斯龙(AHLSTROM)公司生产的 CFB 锅炉,额定蒸发量为410t/h,过热蒸汽压力为(9.8±0.49)MPa,运行水容积为155m~3。为消除锅炉内部表面的杂质并形成保护膜,在锅炉冲管前,按照《电力建设施工及验收技术规范》(火力发电厂化学篇 DLJ58—81)及《锅炉化学清洗导则》(SDI35—86)的要求进行循环化学清洗,清洗工作同时遵照了芬兰奥斯龙(AHLSTROM)公司提供
The CFB boiler manufactured by AHLSTROM of Finland was selected for a circulating fluidized bed boiler demonstration power plant in China. The rated evaporation was 410t / h, the superheated steam pressure was (9.8 ± 0.49) MPa and the operating water volume was 155m ~ 3 . In order to eliminate the impurities on the inner surface of the boiler and form a protective film, before the boiler is washed out, according to “Technical Specifications for Construction and Acceptance of Electric Power Construction” (Thermal Power Plant Chemical DLJ58-81) and “Guidelines for Chemical Cleaning of Boilers” (SDI35-86 ) Requirements of the cycle of chemical cleaning, cleaning work at the same time comply with the Finnish company Oslon (AHLSTROM) to provide