Reality of Global Warming

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  Zou Ji:Data from observation stationsall over the world indicate that global tem-perature is on the rise. This is an undeni-able fact.
The Eco Balancing Act  Taking a relaxing tour of nationalparks, immersed in a wild anduntamed natural landscape, is apleasant but normal experience formost Americans.
The Chinese Government issued the11th Five-Year Plan (2006-10) forEthnic Minorities Affairs in lateMarch, 2007, the first of its kindsince the founding of the People’sRepublic in 1949.
In the Caofeidian port area of Tangshan,Hebei Province, a long road stretcheseastward to Bohai Bay. At the end ofthe road is a man-made island covering26 hectares.
Atotal of half a million volunteers areneeded to host the Olympic Gamesin China next year, but organizerswill still have to turn many peopleaway because of an enormous pub-lic response.
Most people would agreethat police are responsi-ble for ensuring that rob-bers and other criminalsare kept off the streetsand apprehended when they cross the line.
China has won recognition from theUnited Nations as it embraces its sta-res as one of the founding membersof the organization and a permanentmember of the Security Council.
Alarge-scale series of Chinese lan-guage textbooks are to be pub-lished in the coming years jointlyby the China InternationalPublishing Group (CIPG) and YaleUniversity, the first venture of this kind
If a question were asked of what China’s most important foreignrelations are, most Chinese would name Sino-American tiesamong their sure answers.
Saving face is something that isdeeply rooted in Chinese culture,and for over 5,000 years this con-cept has motivated and deter-mined the outcome of decisionsand behavior across the spectrum ofChinese
Beijing Olympics organizers haveannounced an ambitious torch relayplan for the 2008 Games which willsee the sacred flame reach the world’shighest peak and travel through 135cities around the world.