安东奈拉·沙哈蒙特男爵夫人22岁嫁于罗伯特·博尔多纳,同时继承了一座位于巴勒莫的别墅。这座别墅采用新艺术风格建造,但随着时间的流逝,其光芒逐渐黯淡。“它成了一座死气沉沉的城堡,墙上的壁画历经风霜,也已经破败不堪。那时,我的一位朋友提出要借这座别墅举行晚宴,款待80位医生。虽然这件事引起了很大的争议,但是我本人是乐意支持的。我从中也找到了自己的职业。”一头金发,精力旺盛的男爵夫人成了巴勒莫的话题人物,她决定租下法尔科纳城堡(chateau Falconara),这座被遗忘的梦幻般的城堡是家族财产的一部分:“西西里可以发展高层次的旅游项目,让游客领略我们生活的艺术。”她强调道。除了人满为患的沙滩和处处可见的三星级酒店,西西里岛还
Baroness Anton Don Shahonte, 22, married to Robert Borldner and inherited a villa in Palermo. The villa is built in Art Nouveau style, but dimmed over time. “It became a dead castle, the wall murals have been weather-beaten, has been dilapidated.At that time, my friend proposed to take this villa dinner, treat 80 doctors.Although it caused Very controversial, but I am happy to support myself, I also find their own occupation. ”A blond, energetic Baroness became the topic of Palermo, she decided to rent Falconer Castle (chateau Falconara), this forgotten, fantastic castle is part of the family property: “Sicily can develop high-end tourism projects that allow visitors to appreciate the art of our lives.” "She stressed. In addition to overcrowded sandy beaches and the visible three-star hotel, Sicily also