成都军区总医院努力适应新军事变革要求,采取有力措施抢占科技人才队伍建设制高点,打造出一支以博士后、博士为支柱的高素质人才方阵;3 名专家荣膺“国家有突出贡献的中青年专家”称号,5名专家被评为“全军青年科技之星”13名专家享受国务院政府特殊津贴;连续3年捧回3项四川省科技进步一等奖,并夺得1项全军医疗成果一等奖……
Chengdu Military Region General Hospital struggled to adapt to the requirements of the new military revolution and adopted effective measures to seize the commanding height of the ranks of science and technology personnel so as to create a high-quality talent matrix supported by postdoctoral fellows and doctors. Three experts won the title of “middle-aged and young people with outstanding contributions from the state Experts ”title, five experts were named“ All-Star Youth Science and Technology Star ”13 experts to enjoy the special allowance of the State Council; three consecutive years took home three first-class scientific and technological progress in Sichuan Province, and won a military medical First prize of achievement ...