(一)什么是插花?为什么称它是一种艺术? 顾名思义,插花就是把花插在瓶、盘、盆等容器里,而不是栽在这些容器中。所插的花材,或枝、或花、或叶,均不带根,只是植物体上的一部分,并且不是随便乱插的,而是根据一定的构思来选材,遵循一定的创作法则,插成一个优美的形体(造型),借此表达一种主题,传递一种感情和情趣,使人看后赏心悦目,获得精神上的美感和愉快。所以,插花是一门艺术,同雕塑、盆景、造园、建筑等一样,均属于造型艺术的范畴。
(A) What is flower arrangement? Why call it an art? As the name implies, flower arrangement is to spend in the bottles, plates, pots and other containers, rather than planted in these containers. The flowers, or branches, or flowers, or leaves, are not rooted, but part of the plant, and not indiscriminately inserted, but according to certain ideas to choose from, follow certain creative rules, insert Into a beautiful body (modeling), to express a theme, to convey a feeling and fun, make people look good, get spiritual beauty and pleasure. Therefore, the flower arrangement is an art, with the sculpture, bonsai, gardening, architecture, etc., all belong to the category of plastic arts.