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英国古典电视剧《唐顿庄园》自2010年播出第一季至今,已经播出了三季。《唐顿庄园》以其精良的剧本、沉稳的风格、考究华丽的服装、演员精湛的表演、独特的英伦文化表达迅速热播至全球各地,荧屏上刮起了一股“唐顿风”。英国古典电视剧以其突出的本土化风格,精心的制作,大气沉稳、丰富多变的镜头语言,丰富的视觉形象,精湛的演员表演俘获了观众的心,并且向全世界传播着英国文化的风貌。 British classical drama “Downton Abbey” broadcast since the first quarter of 2010 so far, has broadcast three seasons. “Downton Abbey” with its excellent script, calm style, elegant gorgeous costumes, exquisite performers, unique British cultural expression quickly hit the world, the screen blowing a “Downton Abbey ”. English classical drama with its prominent local style, meticulous production, calm atmosphere, rich and varied lens language, rich visual image, superb actors and actresses captures the audience’s heart, and spread to the world of British culture .