草鱼好食易钓,尤以每年5~10月索饵积极,生长速度和摄食量都达到了高峰,也是垂钓的最佳季节。 钓草鱼的方法很多,但较实用简单可靠的方法要数草饵悬浮钓,其方法及技巧如下。 一、选准钓场。如发现水中棵草不生,水色绿浑,定有草鱼;在有浮水植物和挺水植物的水域,看到浮萍拱动,一有声响有大鱼潜逃搅起的水花,或浮在水面的叶片残
Grass carp good food easy to catch, especially in 5 to 10 months a year bait positive, growth rate and food intake have reached a peak, but also the best fishing season. There are many ways to catch grass carp, but it is more practical and simple and reliable to count the bait to float fishing. The methods and techniques are as follows. First, the choice of fishing grounds. Found in the grass, such as water is not raw, green muddy water, will have grass carp; floating plants and water plants emerge in the waters, see the duckweed arch move, a loud fish escaped splashing, or floating on the water Leaves residue