1956年7月14日,长春第一汽车制造厂生产出首批“解放牌”卡车。这标志着中国从此有了自己的汽车工业。但这并不是我国制造的第一辆汽车。 比这更早25年,即1931年夏,沈阳兵工厂迫击炮厂附属民生工厂制造出了第一辆“民生牌”货运汽车。但不久发生了“九·一八事变”,生产汽车一事从此夭亡。以后直到40年代初期,10年中全国各地曾多次试制汽车并试图建造汽车厂,但均毁于日军炮火。
July 14, 1956, Changchun First Automobile Works produced the first batch of “Jiefangpai” trucks. This indicates that China has its own automobile industry since then. But this is not the first car made in our country. 25 years earlier than this, that is, the summer of 1931, Shenyang Arsenal Mortar Factory Minsheng factory to produce the first “Minsheng card” cargo vehicles. However, the “September 18 Incident” took place shortly after that and the car production was gone. Later until the early 1940s, 10 years in various parts of the country have repeatedly trial car and try to build a car factory, but were destroyed in the Japanese artillery.