The effects of interface scattering on thermoelectric properties of film thermoelectric materials

来源 :Chinese Science Bulletin | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ye14382163
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A theoretical model taking into consideration the interface effects is established to predict the Seebeck coefficient and the electrical conductivity for a polycrystalline thermoelectric(TE)thin film.The interface scattering mechanisms(including the film-surface scattering and grain-boundary scattering)of the transport electrons in the film materials are revealed.The relations between the Seebeck coefficient,the electrical conductivity and the interface parameters(the film-surface reflection coefficient and the grain-boundary transmission coefficient)are then discussed with respect to the proposed model.The differences in the TE properties between the films and bulk materials caused by size restriction are investigated.The results indicate that the higher grain number leads to stronger grain-boundary scattering and more distinct size effects of the TE properties.In contrast to the surface effect,the grain-boundary effect plays a main role in the TE properties of TE films with polycrystalline structures. A theoretical model taking into consideration the interface effects is established to predict the Seebeck coefficient and the electrical conductivity for a polycrystalline thermoelectric (TE) thin film. The interface scattering mechanisms (including the film-surface scattering and grain-boundary scattering) of the transport electrons in the film materials are revealed. relations between the Seebeck coefficient, the electrical conductivity and the interface parameters (the film-surface reflection coefficient and the grain-boundary transmission coefficient) are then discussed with respect to the proposed model. differences. the TE properties between the films and bulk materials caused by size restriction are investigated. The results indicate that the higher grain number leads to stronger grain-boundary scattering and more distinct size effects of the TE properties. In contrast to the surface effect, the grain -boundary effect plays a main role in the TE properties of TE films with polycryst alline structures.
【摘要】中职数学教学的对象是起点低、差异大、具有厌学情绪的学生,现有教学方法难以按质按量完成教学计划。因此,中职数学教学改革势在必行。本文就以生为本、因材施教、理论联系实际、启发式教学等方面提出了自己的思考。  【关键词】中职数学 教学改革 推陈出新  在中职数学教学中,一些学生对数学的学习动力不足,对教学方法和教学内容有一种排斥感,对数学课往往采取敷衍了事的态度,迫于压力而勉强完成各项数学活动,
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