本刊讯2005年5月13日,在上海举行中国基督教界《宗教事务条例》学习会, 参加会议的有全国两会主席、副主席,会长、副会长,全国两会副秘书长、副总干事和各省、自治区(直辖市)两会主席、会长、秘书长和总干事,以及在沪的全国两会委员约100多人。学习会特邀国家宗教事务局王作安副局长、国家宗教事务局政法司董处长作有关《宗教事务条例》的立法背景、立法宗旨和调整范围,以及有关主要条文内容解释的专场辅导报告。
On May 13, 2005, a study session on the Regulations on Religious Affairs in the Christian community in China was held in Shanghai on May 13, 2005. At the meeting, there were two presidents, vice presidents, presidents and vice presidents of the two sessions, deputy secretary-generals and vice presidents Officers and leaders of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities (autonomous regions and municipalities), chairman, president, secretary general and director general, as well as members of the NPC and CPPCC in Shanghai have about 100 members. The seminar will invite Wang Zuoan, deputy director of the State Religious Affairs Bureau, and director general of the Department of Politics and Law of the State Religious Affairs Bureau to make special tutoring reports on the legislative background, legislative purposes and scope of the “Regulations on Religious Affairs” and explanations on the major provisions.