我院对5例先天性尿道下裂患者行此种手术方法,取得了满意的临床疗效。 1 一般资料年龄:5岁1例,12岁2例,17岁1例,23岁1例。阴茎会阴型1例,其余4例均为阴茎型。5例患者分别于半年前行过尿道下曲矫正术。本次手术后住院最短者13天,最长者24天,平均为16.4天。其中4例治愈,
5 cases of congenital hypospadias in our hospital for such surgical methods, and achieved satisfactory clinical efficacy. 1 General information Age: 5 cases in 1 case, 12 cases in 2 cases, 17 cases in 1 case, 23 cases in 1 case. Penile perineal in 1 case, the remaining 4 cases were penis type. Five patients underwent urethral sinus surgery six months ago respectively. The shortest hospitalization after surgery 13 days, the longest 24 days, an average of 16.4 days. Four of them were cured,