
来源 :科学养鱼 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:Javayuyu
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随着集约化养殖模式的兴起,鱼用颗粒饲料在鱼类养殖生产中的应用也越来越普遍。对于一个好的鱼用全价配合颗粒饲料,除了其内在的品质要符合鱼类不同生长阶段营养生理需求外,其外观的某些特征也一定程度上反映了一种鱼用颗粒饲料的优劣。笔者根据多年对鱼用颗粒饲料的使用经验, With the rise of intensive farming patterns, the application of fish pellet feed in fish farming is also becoming more and more common. For a good fish with the full price of pellet feed, in addition to its intrinsic quality to meet the different physiological and nutritional requirements of fish at different stages of growth, some of its appearance also reflects some of the characteristics of a fish pellet feed the pros and cons. The author based on years of experience in the use of pellets for fish,
一、池塘海蜇养殖回捕率低的原因 1.养殖池塘选择不规范。一是池塘水质差,单个池塘面积不合理,池面积太小或太浅。二是养殖多年的旧池塘,淤泥厚,坡比小,清塘不彻底,敌害生物