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一天和朋友去一家饭店吃饭,吃完出门后发现马路对面有许多人提着水壶来来往往。好奇的我们也穿过马路一看究竟,才发现原来这里就是有名的白沙古井。夜色中人们围着两口井眼一勺勺地把井水灌进硕大的水壶。来到长沙也有六年了,没想到这样意外地邂逅了一直听说的白沙井。热情的打水人用水瓢借我们喝了一口白沙水,的确清冽甘甜。井后是一座小山包,被绿化成一座街心公园,当我们沿着青石板路翻过去,更惊讶地发现一座巨大的摩天轮出现在眼前,这个据称是亚洲最高的摩天轮就矗立在长沙最大的贺龙体育馆前,处在长沙最热闹繁荣的闹市中。一边是灯红酒绿的都市,一边是古朴安宁的老井,跨过一个小小的土山就好像刹时跨越了漫长的历史。长沙,相对其他古城的确是小了许多,不大的一座城市又有那么多历史古迹,难怪古迹就与现代建筑簇簇拥拥地相依相伴在一起,让人有片刻穿越光阴的感觉。 One day with friends to a restaurant to eat, eat out and found across the road there are many people carrying the kettle coming and going. Curious we also saw through the streets, only to find that here is the famous Baisha Furui. In the darkness, people spilled well water into the gigantic kettle around a spoonful of wellbores. Came to Changsha, there are six years, did not expect such an unexpected encounter has been heard of the white manhole. Enthusiastic fetch people with water scoop by us to drink a white sand of water, indeed Qingre sweet. After the well is a hill package, was green into a street heart park, when we turned over along the bluestone road, more surprised to find a huge Ferris wheel appeared in front of this allegedly Asia's highest Ferris wheel stands in Changsha Heilong Stadium, the largest before, in the most vibrant downtown in Changsha. On the one hand is a vibrant city, on the other side is a simple and peaceful old well, across a small mountain is like an instant across a long history. Changsha, relative to other ancient cities is indeed much smaller, a small city there are so many historical monuments, no wonder monuments and modern buildings surrounded by clusters of dependencies together, people have a moment through the feeling of time.
春天来了,她带来了生机和活力, 带来了希望和憧憬。你喜欢春天吗?喜 欢春的色彩,还是春的温暖?请看下面 几位同学的考场作文,“春天,我最喜 欢……” Spring has brought he
沙沙响,沙沙响, 春雨洒在花朵上。 花朵上,躺水珠, 好像颗颗小珍珠。 滚过来,滚过去, 她在招呼小蜜蜂, 快快过来采花蜜。春雨@高子淇$山东省邹平县第一实验小学一(4)班 Rust
Two novel ashless additives-benzothiazole derivatives containing boron and chlorine,OBC and BBC,were synthesized.The tribological performances of OBC and BBC at