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位于景洪市的西双版纳州邮电局,是全州邮电通信的枢纽中心。所辖勐海、勐腊县邮电局、景洪长途线务站及43个乡镇邮电支局、所,担负着全州80多万各族人民和当地党、政、军及十大国营农场的通信任务。895名邮电职工,295名工程技术人员以改善服务,加快通信建设和发展为己任,为边疆的通信现代化和经济发展积极努力。 西双版纳邮电通信经历了一个从落后到先进,从单一通信手段到多功能现代化通信的逐步发展过程。1980年以前,西双版纳邮电通信十分落后,全州除勐腊县有100门自动交换机外,其余均为手摇式磁石交换机,通信传输均为明线加载波方式,通信手段单一,设备制式落后,通信质量较差。党的十一届三中全会以来,邮电通信作为重要基础设施得到了各级政府的重视,“经济要发展,通信需先行”已成为各界有识之士的共同认识。在上级邮电管理部门和各级地方党委、政府的支持下,西双版纳邮电通信建设得到了加速发展,全州筹资先后建设了景洪1000门、勐海500门市话自动交换,实现了全州县以上城市市话交换自动化,一举结束了市话交换用人工和“摇把子”时代,迈出了通信现代化建设的第一步。 Located in Jinghong City, Xishuangbanna Post Office, is the hub of post and telecommunications communications throughout the state. Under the jurisdiction of Menghai, Mengla County Post Office, Jinghong long-distance line station and 43 township post and telecommunications branch offices, it is responsible for the communications tasks of more than 800,000 people of all nationalities in the state and local Party, government and military forces and ten state-owned farms. 895 post and telecommunications workers and 295 engineering and technical personnel are making efforts to improve their services, accelerate the construction and development of communications and make active efforts to modernize their communications and economic development in the border areas. Xishuangbanna post and telecommunications experience has gone from backward to advanced, from a single means of communication to multi-functional modern communication process of the gradual development. Prior to 1980, post and telecommunications in Xishuangbanna was very backward. There were 100 automatic exchangers in Mengla County except Mengla County in the state. The others were hand-held magnet switches. The communication transmission consisted of open line plus carrier wave, single means of communication, backward equipment standard and communication quality Poor. Since the Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, as an important infrastructure, post and telecommunications have gained the attention of governments at all levels. “Economic development and communication need to be advanced” has become a common understanding among people of insight. With the support of the higher level post and telecommunications administrations and the local party committees and governments at all levels, the postal and telecommunications construction in Xishuangbanna has been accelerated. The Statewide fund-raising has successively established 1000 gateways in Jinghong and 500 municipalities in Menghai, thus achieving the goal of more than 500 counties The automation of city local exchange, in one fell swoop over the era of local exchange and the first step of modernization of communication, took the lead in the era of artificial exchange and “shake the handle”.
我的爷爷奶奶生活在农村,每年放寒假,我们一家人会回老家住上几天。  在爷爷奶奶家,我特别喜欢玩火。他们做饭的时候,我总是自告奋勇地拿着火钳帮他们烧火。有时偷偷拿着火柴,自己点纸或者干草玩。有时缠着爸爸从山后拣些柴草,在院子里烧火,烤红薯、烤腊肉或腊鱼。看着鱼片、肉片在火苗的炙烤下嗞嗞流油,闻着愈来愈浓的香味,我觉得没有比这更有趣的事情了。  去年过年前两天,我们一家人回老家。车行驶到澧水大桥时,爸
我很喜欢故事里那只收集阳光的小老鼠。冬天里,能晒到太阳,暖和又舒服,多好啊!  我的妈妈就像冬天里金黄的阳光一样,给我带来快乐和温暖。我喜欢妈妈说话的声音,喜欢妈妈头发的香味,喜欢妈妈做饭的味道。妈妈真是个好妈妈。  我像小老鼠一样,收集关于妈妈的美好感觉。我难过的时候,孤单的时候,想起妈妈,心里就好受多了。
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暑假的一天,天气十分闷热。我坐在写字台前做大堆的数学题。一会儿,我的上下眼皮开始打起架来……  突然,我来到了一座高大的城堡前,大门上面写着“知识王国”四个大字。我想,这里的人一定都很有学问。  城堡的门自动打开了,一个声音传出来:“欢迎来到知识王国。你首先进入的是数学殿堂。”  什么,数学殿堂?认识我的人哪个不知道,我的数学最差?我正想逃跑,一个令人毛骨悚然的声音从我背后传来:“站住!”我被吓懵
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暑假期间,我常常和伙伴们坐在池塘边钓鱼。  有一天,我运气不错,一会儿就钓了好几条鱼,想休息一下。我拿出爷爷晚上捉的两只蟑螂放在地上,用小木棍拨弄着玩。蟑螂怕光,躁动极了。其中一只蟑螂一着地就像导火线一样快速地往前冲,一不小心跌入水中。蟑螂漂浮在水面上,几只脚不停地划动,想挣脱水的包围,但它的整个身体都浸在水里,只能在那里打转转。就在这时,一条草鱼游过来,竟然一口把它吃掉了!我十分好奇,心里充满疑