在人体特异功能中,目前研究得较多的是不通过眼睛来辨认图形或实体物质。国外有人把这种功能称为“非眼视觉”。国内曾一度采用过“非视觉器官图象识别”的提法。通过大量的实际观察,这一功能的实现,可能有赖于下述三个环节的相互衔接,就是—— 一、信息的接收 二、信息的传递 三、信息的处理 在这三个环节当中,我们注意的焦点是探讨信息在体内的传递问题 按照中医经典文献的记载,人体内存在有一套“内属于腑脏。外络于肢节”的经络
In the human body-specific functions, the most studied at present is not to identify the graphic or physical substance through the eyes. Someone abroad calls this feature “non-eye-sight.” Once used in China “non-visual organ image recognition” formulation. Through a large number of actual observations, the realization of this function may depend on the following three links of convergence, that is, one, the information received two, the transmission of information three, the information processing in these three links, we The focus of attention is to explore the issue of information transfer in the body According to the records of traditional Chinese medicine literature there exists a set of "meridians