Microtwins and twin inclusions in the 3C-SiC epilayers grown on Si(001) by APCVD

来源 :Science in China,Ser.A | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:shopfloor
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Microtwins in the 3C-SiC films grown on Si(001) by APCVD were analyzed in detail using an X-ray four-circle diffractometer. The Φ scan shows that 3C-SiC films can grow on Si substrates epi-taxially and the epitaxial relationship is revealed as (001)3C-SiC//(001)Si, [111]3C-SiC//[111]Si. Other diffractions emerged in the pole figures of the (111) 3C-SiC. We performed the (10 10)h-SiC and the reciprocal space mapping of the (002) plane of twins for the first time, finding that the diffractions at X = 15.8° result from not hexagonal SiC but microtwins of 3C-SiC, and twin inclusions are estimated to be 1 %. Microtwins in the 3C-SiC films grown on Si (001) by APCVD were analyzed in detail using an X-ray four-circle diffractometer. The Φ scan shows that 3C-SiC films can grow on Si substrates epi-taxially and the epitaxial relationship (111) 3C-SiC // (001) Si, [111] 3C-SiC // [111] Si. Other diffractions emerging in the pole figures of the (111) 3C- 10) h-SiC and the reciprocal space mapping of the (002) plane of twins for the first time, finding that the diffractions at X = 15.8 ° result from not hexagonal SiC but microtwins of 3C-SiC, and twin inclusions are estimated to be 1%.
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